Thursday, July 3, 2008

Get Your Leaders Moving On Your Strategy

Strategic Leadership Development (SLD) Creates the leaders you need to take your organization where it needs to go. SLD is a highly effective change process that addresses all the issues:
  • SLD begins with your business objectives and enables you to identify the specific leadership practices needed to achieve them.
  • SLD builds accountability into the development process in a uniquely powerful and comprehensive way.
  • SLD is grounded in a technically superior, research-based model of effective leadership practices.
  • SLD makes your leadership expectations clear and credible - and that is critical to creating the leadership culture you need to reach your business goals.


In order to focus and align leadership development with the needs of the organization and its strategy, the first step is to define requirements.

"In the future, our leaders must..."

Using Strategic Directions, your designated team identifies the behaviors needed in the future to create a leadership culture aligned with your strategy. Because there is no "one right way" to lead for all organizations, Strategic Directions enables you to select the template of leadership practices that is right for your organization.

By establishing Strategic Directions, your entire organization gains clarity and consensus about leadership expectations. Moreover, Strategic Directions helps you assess learning and development initiatives to determine where to invest time and money.

Strategic Directions is the best starting point. It produces rapid, impressive results. It provides a road map for change and builds the commitment needed for long-term success.

Strategic Directions answers the question: To create a leadership culture aligned with our business strategy and direction, what leadership behaviors will be required?

Staff Review by: Joseph (Joe) Kran, Lawrence (Larry) Maglin, Walter Sonyi, Jr. and Rick Spann

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